There's a new
In re Rock 'n' Roll website - Just what you've been waiting for.
Check it out at
http://www.inrerocknroll.comWith it you'll find a new clip recorded direct with a Boss GT-8 and a G&L ASAT.
Lately I've been working on a high gain heavy metal type tone with the ol' GT-8. Although the GT-8 seems to be the modeler of choice for many high gain players, I have had more luck creating a variety of different classic low-medium gain tones with the machine.
I have found nothing that better compliments the jangly tone of a Rickenbacker, for instance, see e.g., and
Another favorite that I haven't been able to imitate with another set up is a quasi-rhodes tone. - This one has a bit better playing, but I prefer the tone of around with the model suggestive of the qualities of a Marshall Plexi, you can obtain some excellent classic rock tones - sounds great coupled with some modulated delay -,, don't forget the newest one at fun to be had by all. I'll keep you posted on my quest for a good heavy tone.